
School Services

ProInfinity runs interactive sports-based lessons for children from 2 years upwards. Our classes develop learning abilities and social skills while using our bespoke ABC (Agility, Balance, Co-ordination) programme of games. These classes are delivered by our experienced coaches who ensure all children can develop and learn core skills while additionally using numeracy and literacy targets. All children are encouraged to learn independently. Our activities take place in a safe environment ensuring small classes to enable equal contact for each child. We have developed strong relationships with nurseries and schools which has enabled the children to progress in Reception with a strong core sporting ability having met the entry level standards in PE prior to school.

As part of the Sports Premium available to all primary schools annually ProInfinity Coaching offers a programme of support for delivery of high quality PE provisions from Reception to year 6, this includes:

  • Active breakfast clubs offering a healthy start to the day
  • Structured sports lunchtimes with focused games and sports activities
  • PPA cover to deliver professional PE lessons as part of the school curriculum
  • CPD classes to develop strong core sports knowledge as part of your staff annual plan for personal development
  • After school clubs to increase sports participation and options for all children
  • Holiday clubs in partnership with school to support families and increase school revenue streams

Additional Services

ProInfinity Coaching offers a wide range of additional classes to support sports options for community groups and clubs. As part of these services we currently offer the below classes:

  • Evening and weekend sports classes incl. Football, Futsal, Netball, Basketball and Cricket
  • Toddler Sports classes introducing sports gently to pre-school age children
  • Sports qualifications for ages 14 years upwards including Sports Leaders and FA Coaching qualifications
  • 1to1 Training for all ages, bespoke sessions tailored to support sports development